hmm... i admit i haven't looked at the code, but i have read the mailing
list and this is what was discussed. if i have misinterpreted what was
said please excuse me, but it has nothing to do with the point i'm
trying to make.
what was the performance problem?
makl wrote:
> Alvin Thompson wrote:
>>>> * it helps the tortoise SVN speed issues.
>>> How would doing more work make a client faster?
>> please reread that thread. basically, since it is essentially a branch
>> of Tortoise CVS, it uses much of the same code. since cvs doesn't have
>> to worry about pristine copies or (usually) large numbers of files in
>> the .cvs directory, it uses a simple recursive algorithm when scanning
>> for files for that icon overlay feature. that slows Tortoise SVN down
>> because it doesn't ignore the .svn directories. while they probably
>> will/should fix this, it is yet another difference between the two
>> which makes the code harder to maintain. and once again, wouldn't it
>> make more sense to implement this than to require that every other
>> program on the planet be SVN aware?
> You should do three things:
> 1. Read the MSDN Documentation to see how icon overlays work
> 2. Look at the ToitoiseSVN code
> 3. Read the mailings on the ToitoiseSVN developer list.
> After that you will see that the performance problem has nothing to do
> with the size of the .svn area.
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Alvin Thompson
Navy: 34
Army: 6
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Received on Mon Mar 8 22:19:28 2004