On Sun, 2004-03-07 at 11:10, Mike Crowe wrote:
> Mike Crowe wrote:
> >> I have been trying to convert a sizeable CVS repository to subversion
> >> using the version of cvs2svn on the 1.0.x branch in r8550. I realise
> >> that this isn't really the latest version but the reason for that will
> >> become clearer later.
> On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 10:21:37AM -0600, Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> > What's the "clearer reason" for not using the latest cvs2svn?
> That it had been running for over 25 days.
> I'd actually tried to run it several times prior to that last run, mostly
> using the latest version available at the time and sometimes inserting
> print statements to try to narrow down what I incorrectly thought was an
> infinite loop. I may not have updated immediately prior to my last test
> run.
> > cvs2svn isn't officially 'released' in any sense of the word. It's even
> > moved to its own project now.
> Perhaps it could be removed from the 1.0.x branch and a placeholder README
> left in its place?
> > You need to repost this mail to the dev@cvs2svn.tigris.org mailing list,
> > but first, you need to try the conversion using the latest version of
> > cvs2svn. Check out a copy of http://svn.collab.net/repos/cvs2svn/trunk
> > to get it.
> OK. Thanks for your reply. I've set it running now and I'll see how far it
> has got after a few days.
Don't bother. I found a serious scalability issue in cvs2svn.py with
large repositories on Friday, and just haven't finished my analysis.
I'll post details on users@cvs2svn.tigris.org on Monday, but for now,
I'd suggest holding off on converting your repository.
PS The short explanation is that the anydbm db doesn't scale well to
hundreds of thousands of keys.
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Received on Sun Mar 7 23:08:11 2004