On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 11:45:03AM -0800, Jarod Wilson wrote:
> Hi all, first post, be gentle...
> A little history: I work for a mixed Windows and Linux shop (mostly
> Windows). We've been using CVS for quite some time, but several
> developers complain about its shortcoming, especially with the recent
> restructuring of our source tree, which of course blew away all the
> history on many files. Said developers are partial to Perforce, but we
> are on a bit of a budget. I've done some homework, and Subversion looks
> like the ticket for us.
> However, what looks good on paper isn't translating to production very
> well. I've got Subversion 1.0 up and running from David Summer's rpms on
> a Red Hat Linux 7.2 box (which is also our CVS server), with the
> intention of using predominantly svn+ssh for access, since everyone
> already has a shell account on the machine. I was able to import our
> source tree just fine from the local machine after creating the repo,
> check out, check in, etc. When we moved over to a Windows box using
> TortoiseSVN, all hell broke loose. Basically, at least one in every two
> actions taken resulted in db errors, with a message telling us to run
> Fast forward a bit, I nuked the repo, recreated it, then did an import
> from a Windows box via TortoiseSVN. Everything looked fine. I even got
> two machines set up, both checking in, checking out, diffing, repo
> browsing, etc., simultaneously and everything (one box running Windows
> 2003 Server, one running Windows 2000 Pro). Excellent, I thought.
> However, note that both machines were using my login. Then I went over
> to another developer's machine, tried his login, and got db errors
> (can't recall if they were immediate, or after a number of files had
> been checked out). Running svnadmin recover on our repo isn't even
> recovering it now. (I haven't tried using db_runrecovery directly yet).
> Now, I do have both a primary user and group defined for Subversion (u/g
> svn/svn), and all developers are members of the svn group, so I don't
> think I have any permissions issues, but I've been fighting this thing
Do you have umask 002 and chmod -R g+s /path/to/repository?
This somehow sounds like permission problems, especially when you mention
that it blew when you switched the user.
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Received on Thu Mar 4 21:08:42 2004