Richard In Public wrote:
> Hi All
> The two issues that come to mind are:
> 2. Permissions - this is only useful if svn 'remembers' the permissions
> of each file
> A quick test suggests that SVN does indeed restore permissions as
> checked in. So no problems?
Being a newbie, I'm not sure that this isn't just coincedence. Plus, do
user & group memberships remain the same, even though you're checking
out files as just one user (root, presumbably)? You might want to do a
find [dirs & options] -ls > backuplist.txt and keep that under
subversion as well. If you ever had to restore from the svn repository,
you'd have something from which to re-assign ownership if it didn't do
what you expected.
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Received on Wed Mar 3 20:24:11 2004