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Re: geekyness and ESR's recent tome

From: Erik Huelsmann <e.huelsmann_at_gmx.net>
Date: 2004-03-02 21:13:19 CET


> > > At some point you throw up your hands and say forget it.
> >
> > I'd like to point out that this community has been found by many to be a
> > very nice and welcoming and helping community when asked nicely. Comming
> in
> > like you did is not getting me very motivated to help you.
> >
> >
> > Erik.
> Then don't. This is software, not religion.
Then why be so pissed about it yourself?

> If it is not done baking don't put it on the shelf with a 1.0 tag.
The software *is* done. Don't believe that? Use another product. As with any
1.0 product there are glitches. You happened to run into one when trying to
build from source. By resorting to RPMs you only aggreviated the problem. You
would probably not have waisted as many hours as you have now if you would
have asked here first and be pointed to the RPMs from Ben Reser. Besides, by
picking the road of the RedHat RPMs you just missed the opportunity to help us
improve the process you're bashing here.

> We shouldn't have to "hope" that it will work.
True. Which is why I read this list. Trying to help people and find problems
in the software that's being shipped in an effort to improve it.



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Received on Tue Mar 2 21:12:21 2004

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