To reproduce the crash it is important to run the copy command inside
the working copy.
$ svn --version
svn, version 1.0.0
compiled Feb 25 2004, 18:32:49
svnadmin create repo
svn co file:///g:/repos/repo wc1
mkdir wc1\dir1
svn add wc1\dir1
svn ci -m "" wc1
cd wc1
svn delete dir1
rmdir /S /Q dir1
svn cp -r 1 dir1 .
FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name
0012FBF8 004290C4 004A9488 00000068 00000004 00000000 !strnicmp
0012FC14 00419990 0012FC40 00000004 004997D0 004A9488
!svn_ra_get_ra_library (FPO: [4,0,3])
0012FC6C 00418A9F 00000000 0012FD70 00329A40 00328670 !svn_client_copy
(FPO: [EBP 0x00000000] [5,13,4])
0012FC98 00418897 0012FCFC 00000000 0012FD70 00329B50 !svn_client_copy
(FPO: [EBP 0x00328670] [8,1,4])
0012FCBC 004018C9 0012FCFC 00329A20 0012FD70 00329A40 !svn_client_copy
(FPO: [6,0,0])
0012FCF0 00405E26 00000000 00000000 00329830 0000000F !svn_cl__copy
(FPO: [EBP 0x7800CCDF] [3,2,4])
0012FF4C 0046F113 00000006 003238D0 00322A68 004A1000 !main (FPO: [EBP
0x00000000] [2,137,4])
0012FFC0 77E787F5 00000000 00000000 7FFDF000 C0000005 !mainCRTStartup
0012FFF0 00000000 0046F030 00000000 000000C8 00000100
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Received on Sat Feb 28 23:28:07 2004