Concerning Re: incomplete checkout
Jan Hendrik wrote on 20 Feb 2004, 17:14, at least in part:
> > Well, look in the .svn/entries file. If my hypothesis is true (the
> > two files aren't mentioned), try this solution: add an
> > 'incomplete="true"' attribute to the main parent entry.
> You are right, Ben, and thanks for pointing me to this. Those two
> files are missing indeed. But that's a Unix hack, isn't it? Thus nix
> for Windows? <g> Opened the file in SciTE and added the line, (and
> saved), but update gave me the error "file not found; transaction 9q:
> path (to the first one of the entries file). Then remembered the
> recent editing dumpfile discussion and set SciTE to UTF-8 encoding and
> changed line endings to both CR and LF, but the result was negative as
> before. Suppose the entries file is finally down the river by now.
> Isn't there something like a --force switch to update to do this
> instead of editing a file Windows should leave alone under any
> circumstances?
in a belated follow-up: I posted the above after all described editing,
LF conversions and unsuccessful update tests, but left the entries
file open in SciTE over the weekend (did the editing over the LAN
on my machine, the update tests on the concerned box however).
Well, Monday morning SciTE informed me about "entries" being
changed by someone else and reloaded it. What do you think? The
"incomplete" line was gone and those two files originally missing
were now included, just as you said. Asking the guy at that box he
said he had just made an update/commit cycle without problems
on Friday evening ... Dunno why the updates before had not
worked. Perhaps some sort of caching in SVN or W2K? Thanks
nevertheless for the help.
Jan Hendrik
Freedom quote:
The Founding Fathers knew
a government can't control the economy
without controlling people.
And they knew when a government sets out to do that,
it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose.
So we have come to a time for choosing.
-- Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964
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Received on Wed Feb 25 17:20:05 2004