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Access Denied errors on windows :-(

From: Leeuw van der, Tim <tim.leeuwvander_at_nl.unisys.com>
Date: 2004-02-23 15:13:18 CET


I suddenly have a totally new, for me, source of 'Access Denied' errors during on windows.... It's something to do with the specific workspace, because when I do a fresh checkout in another workspace and apply the same patch, I can do the commit properly.

Anyways, I get 'Access Denied' errors during commit, when svn tries to copy a modified file:

$ svn ci -m "Log-message fix for parser errors"
Adding PDGEJB\XSD Build.launch
Sending PDGEJB\ejbModule\com\unisys\pdg\incoming\PDGMessageHandler.java
Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Can't copy 'c:/Documents and Settings/leeuwt/My Documents/ING/PDG/tmpwkspcForMerging1/PDGEJB/ejbModule/com/unisys/pdg/incoming/PDGMessageHandler.java' to 'c:/Documents and Settings/leeuwt/My Documents/ING/PDG/tmpwkspcForMerging1/PDGEJB/ejbModule/com/unisys/pdg/incoming/.svn/tmp/text-base/PDGMessageHandler.java.svn-base.2.tmp': Access is denied.

I'm using svn 0.37, as installed by the standard installer. I also get the same with TSVN 0.26, which is linked against SVN 0.37. But I got the error first with the cli.

I've been working with this workspace today without problems, but now I get this very very persistently. I checked permissions; I am supposed to be the owner and had full access...

When I look in the directory tmp/text-base I see there a (growing number of) temp file(s), all 0 byes. When opening them in a text-editor I can freely edit them and save the changes. The files are not read-only...

I'm quite puzzled. Any pointers, any clues?



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