Jeff Squyres <> writes:
> So I went and got the most recent subversion (r8786), and ran that
> on my large CVS repository. The large commit time problem went
> away.
> But here's a new wrinkle -- it created a bunch of small directories named
> "unlabeled-x.y.z" in the branches/ subdirectory in the new SVN repository.
> I had a look at some of the files in there, and they're typically very
> small sets of files (i.e., it looks like one changeset), but there's no
> obvious branch tag in the original CVS repository for that commit.
> What are these unlabeled branches?
Ah, thank you for asking -- now I know something I need to document.
Those are for branches that don't have labels (symbolic names). This
is quite possible in an RCS file. Look in the revision header section
of some of those RCS files, you'll see branch commits, yet the
symbolic names section will have no label for that branch.
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Received on Fri Feb 20 18:09:41 2004