Ben Collins-Sussman said:
> On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 20:15, kfogel@collab.net wrote:
>> "Jeff Hinrichs" <jeffh@delasco.com> writes:
>> > Now, I've upgraded to 0.37, migrated from a linux based system to a
>> FreeBSD and am now running svnserver instead of running subversion
>> under apache.
>> > However, now the following request:
>> > svn propget description svn://fmachine/testProject
>> >
>> > returns nothing. In fact I can't get it grab the information from
>> an URL only from a local WC.
>> When you say upgraded to 0.37, do you mean both server and client?
>> Did you dump/load your repository to deal with schema changes?
> 'svn propget' still works on URLs, even though 'svn help pg' seems to
> imply that it doesn't (*cough cough*).
> Here's an example:
> $ svn pg svn:eol-style \
> http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/subversion/libsvn_wc/wc.h
> native
> I notice, however, that if you ask for the value of a propname that
> doesn't exist, it just prints nothing at all, no error. That seems to
> be what you're seeing. It makes me wonder if the property exists in
> your repository in the first place. Try running 'svn proplist -v URL'
> to see all properties attached to the URL.
Here are my results....
C:\Projects\testProject>svn up
At revision 14.
C:\Projects\testProject>svn proplist -v svn://thecheat/testProject
C:\Projects\testProject>svn proplist -v
Properties on '.':
description : This is a test repository. Nothing special here. Here
can try out commands before running them against a live repos
C:\Projects\testProject>svn st
so you can see that I have the latest, any attempt to list the remotely
gives nothing, while running the same on the WC returns the expected.
And I don't have any uncommitted changes.
Now, although I stated this before, the new repositories are running via
svnserve where the old 0.25 were running under apache. I don't know if
that makes a difference, probably not.
-jeff hinrichs
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Received on Fri Feb 20 04:59:25 2004