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SVN ignores svn:ignore during svn add

From: Early Ehlinger <earlye_at_respower.com>
Date: 2004-02-15 19:51:59 CET

I've been transitioning from VSS to SVN. All in all, it's been a fabulous

I finally figured out how to use svn:ignore so that svn status doesn't
include targets like *.obj, *.exe, etc. etc., when listing out all of the
files that I haven't yet added to the repository. That's working great.

But, when I have a directory that I'm trying to add to version control
that contains files that should be ignored, svn does the (imho) wrong

  X:\>svn pg svn:ignore .

  X:\>dir /s/b test

  X:\>svn add test
  A test
  A test\test.ignore

Note that --auto-props doesn't seem to affect this:

  X:\>svn --auto-props add test
  A test
  A test\test.ignore

My workaround (such as it is..) has been to do this:

  X:\>echo x:\test > dir.txt

  X:\>dir /s/b test | findstr -v "\.ignore$" >> dir.txt

  X:\>type dir.txt

  X:\>for /F %i in (dir.txt) do @svn -N add "%i"
  A X:\test
  A X:\test\test.noignore

Needless to say, this works, but it's a real pain in the butt.

Am I missing something obvious?

Best Regards,
- Early Ehlinger - CEO - ResPower, Inc - 866-737-7697 - www.ResPower.com 
- 500+ GHz Self-Service Super-Computer from $0.50/GHz*Hr
- (yes, five hundred gigahertz.  point-five terahertz.)
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Received on Sun Feb 15 23:05:01 2004

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