Concerning RE: Simple questions updating binar
Wadsworth, Eric (Contractor) wrote on 9 Jan 2004, 19:29, at least in part:
> The other day I did something with a word document (I don't recall
> what, but I thought it was copying a newer version of the file over
> the older one), and Word popped up and asked if I wanted to merge the
> changes into this document instead of replacing it. I was kinda
> shocked. I just looked in the help, and found that Word can changes in
> documents. Look up "Collaborate on documents".
just did a quick test and Word did not come up nor could I find the
help chapter you suggested. The latter, however, can always be
difficult with different language versions. But I think you have a
newer version of Word. I am still and intentionally with Word97
(dropped Word2000 the moment I found that in their eternal wisdom
M$ had switched to single document mode and thus would pollute
the taskbar with buttons for any open Word doc. 6 Word buttons +
2+ apps = taskbar useless).
I get, of course, a conflict reported, and then I can do a manual
comparison, but in the "Compare with" dialog one has to change
file type to "All" first and then find filename.doc.rx what may
become troublesome with many files in a folder. And then compare
*all* changes, not just those that caused the conflict for there is no
"mine" file ...
Secondly, one has to make sure that none of the Word files in a
working copy is open, else update fails. Personally I think one
fares better with Word's own lock mechanism a/o splitting up large
docs, managed through a central doc, but MMV.
Best regards
Jan Hendrik
> > Concerning Simple questions updating binary fi
> > Adam Lofstedt wrote on 8 Jan 2004, 11:06, at least in part:
> >
> > > Can you actually view the diffs in a binary file like a MS
> > Word .doc, see
> > > the changed lines, and then merge those changes? When I
> > try to do that with
> > > TortoiseSVN, I get jibberish when viewing the diffs and
> > merges. I don't
> > > think so, but maybe I'm wrong?
> >
> > I have read that both P4Diff a/o P4Merge (Perforce) and CS-Diff
> > (Component Software) can utilize Word for this sort of diffs/merges,
> > but I have not tried myself so far.
> >
> > Jan hendrik
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Received on Wed Feb 11 13:06:13 2004