> I was trying to compile 0.37.0 on a solaris system (SunOS ultra18 5.8
> Generic_108528-26 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000) but failed:
> Undefined first referenced
> symbol in file
> libiconv_open
> /var/tmp/e_tews/subversion-0.37.0/apr-util/.libs/libaprutil-0.so
> libiconv
> /var/tmp/e_tews/subversion-0.37.0/apr-util/.libs/libaprutil-0.so
> libiconv_close
> /var/tmp/e_tews/subversion-0.37.0/apr-util/.libs/libaprutil-0.so
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to .libs/svn
It's these symbol referencing errors (for libiconv) that are the
problem -- all the warnings about "attempted multiple inclusion" etc.
can be ignored. I am not sure if these iconv functions are in the
BerkeleyDB libs, but someone else seems to think so so perhaps this
info is helpful:
I built BerkeleyDB and installed in /usr/local/lib, etc. (instead of
/usr/local/BerkeleyDBXX). Still linkage errors, until I forcibly
edited the Makefile and stuck a '/usr/local/lib' right before the
'-ldb'. I still had some other weird linker errors after this, only on
INSTALL (if I ran 'subversion/clients/cmdline/svn' after compile it
worked fine). Switching to --enable-all-static fixed this. This was
on Solaris 9. On Solaris 7 I had no problems. Mind you, both of these
were building w/gcc and using some of the libs from sunfreeware.org
rather than Solaris-official versions.
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Received on Tue Feb 10 16:18:44 2004