I'm trying to compile SVN from the 1.0.0rc1 source tarball.
The OS is Mandrake 9.2 on x86.
Just running ./configure for subversion results in a "client only" svn
build. However I am currently unable to build the "server" part. Note: I
don't need the apache modules at the moment; local filesystem and/or
svnserve will do fine.
I have downloaded, compiled and installed BerkeleyDB4.2 into
Attempting to compile subversion with:
./configure --with-berkeley-db=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB4.2
fails with:
configure: error: Berkeley DB not found.
configure failed for apr-util
I therefore downloaded apache httpd-2.0.48, and tried to compile the apr
and apr-util modules separately. NB: I deleted the apr and apr-util dirs
in the subversion tree to avoid confusion, then compile the apr and
apr-util dirs under the unpacked httpd tree.
The apr module compiled and installed into /usr/local/apr.
The apr-util module can be compiled and installed (into /usr/local/apr
also), *provided* I don't pass any parameters to configure. However
during configuration it outputs text indicating it can't find any
BerkeleyDB libraries. Attempting to configure *subversion* with these
libs using:
displays the message:
configure: error: APR-UTIL was installed independently, it won't be
possible to use the specified Berkeley DB: /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2
This kind of makes sense: subversion requires a version of apr-utils
which is compiled with bdb4. However I am unable to compile apr-utils
with bdb4.2...
Trying to compile apr-util with:
./configure --with-berkeley-db=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB4.2
displays issues finding Berkeleydb, reporting that it cannot find any of
versions 4.1, 4.0, 3, 2, 1.0, 1 then outputting:
configure: error: Berkeley DB not found.
Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong? It sure looks to me
like apr-util doesn't yet support berkeley db newer than 4.1, but your
install docs recommend 4.2.51, so it must be possible...
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Received on Tue Feb 10 03:13:12 2004