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Re: 207 Multi-Status using mod_authz_svn

From: Juanma Barranquero <jmbarranquero_at_wke.es>
Date: 2004-02-02 11:02:26 CET

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:31:56 +0100 Juanma Barranquero
<jmbarranquero@wke.es> wrote:

> These lines in httpd.conf:
> LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so
> <Location />
> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
> </Location>

I can bypass the problem with

    BrowserMatch ^SVN/ no-gzip

but I'm still puzzled.

The client (svn.exe) sends the following headers:

  PROPFIND /test/trunk HTTP/1.1

  Host: localhost:80
  User-Agent: SVN/0.37.0 (r8509) neon/0.24.4
  Connection: TE, Keep-Alive
  TE: trailers
  Content-Length: 300
  Content-Type: text/xml
  Depth: 0
  Accept-Encoding: gzip
  Accept-Encoding: gzip

(yes, "Accept-Encoding: gzip" appears twice), and the server is
answering the same in both cases:

  HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
  Date: ...
  Server: Apache/2.0.48
  Cache-Control: max-age=0
  Expires: ...
  Vary: Accept-Encoding
  Content-Encoding: gzip
  Content-Length: ...
  Keep-Alive: ...
  Connection: Keep-Alive
  Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

It is very puzzling that the client should fail when

  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html

is used, because:

  - as seen above,the server is sending back text/xml

  - I also have an AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml, which doesn't
    seem to interfere

  - the <Location /svn> section has "SetOutputFilter DEFLATE", so all
    output from /svn should be deflated anyway (and taking that
    directive away does not seem to affect the issue)

So, is this a bug, and if so, filed at the issue tracker? Or not-a-bug,
and then perhaps a FAQ entry would be in order?



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Received on Mon Feb 2 11:02:50 2004

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