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Re: vss2svn.py

From: Jens B. Jorgensen <jens.jorgensen_at_tallan.com>
Date: 2004-01-29 17:26:52 CET

Andreas Mahel wrote:

>I found the vss2svn.py conversion script (on
>https://chidb01.tallan.com/vss2svn), and I'm wondering if someone actively
>maintains it?
Umm, sort of. I "own" the repository. I originally wrote a simple
version since my present client was looking to ditch VSS and was
considering their options. My basic version worked but didn't handle
lots of common things like renaming, etc. My client, in fairly typical
giganto-corp fashion, discovered that another part of the organization
had already purchased licenses enterprise-wide for ClearCase. Being that
they had a substantial investment in ClearCase the decision was
immediately made to move to ClearCase. Oh well (ClearCase does do some
neat stuff). Thus for me this became low priority (though I'm still
interested in it since we have other clients which could similarly
benefit). Anyhow in the mean time Sir Woody Hackswell came along also
interested and more motivated to get this working and needed the other
features so I set him up with commit access to the repos and he went and
did all kinds of work. I haven't used the recent versions but I have
heard multiple reports of it not working for people. I haven't emailed
Sir Woody in a while (and he hasn't committed anything in a while) so
I'm not sure where he stands.

>Since I'll be moving quite some stuff from several VSS repositories over to
>using subversion, this script would really come quite handy, if not
>a) it would crash on the first vss rep I've tried it on, and
>b) my Python programming experience is restricted to my messing around with
>vss2svn.py today, and I currently don't have the time to go and learn
>another programming language :-(
>Nevertheless, I found some minor inconsistencies (I got around these, using
>the "the rest of the code looks like this, let's type something similar"
>approach), but further down I got stuck, because necessary changes would
>have touched the VSS History parser (not so easy with the above approach).
>So I would have some input if someone is willing to take it and incorporate
>it into the script -- I just need someone to raise hand :-)
I've got plenty of ideas for what needs to happen with how it is working
right now and I'm sure Sir Woody does as well. It is unlikely that I can
devote much time to this right now but I'm happy to do whatever I can.
If anyone else is interested and would like to take a stab please email
me and we can talk about what things need to happen next. I would be
very happy to help get this thing up off the ground and at least
handling most cases if not all for the 1.0 release since I think that'll
be the thing that's going to let lots of people make the switch.

Jens B. Jorgensen
"With a focused commitment to our clients and our people, we deliver value through customized technology solutions."
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Received on Thu Jan 29 17:28:19 2004

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