On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Tim Armes wrote:
> >Note that nothing stops you from sharing the htpasswd and authz access
> >files across multiple SVNPath entries in httpd.conf. (That's what we're
> >doing and it does exactly what you want, except for having an overly
> >specific and long httpd.conf file.)
> Can someone explain how to do this please. I have a httpd.conf file with
> projects in:
> I'm forced to have a separate access file for each project, since each
> access file must use / as the root for each project. Here's
> uiaccessfile.txt:
> [groups]
> ui_developers = dev1,dev2,dev3
> [/]
> * =
> @ui_developers = rw
> Ideally, my access file would have each project in as you describe:
> [groups]
> ui_developers = dev1,dev2,dev3
> [/ui]
> * =
> @ui_developers = rw
> [/test]
> * = rw
> But since I'm using SVNPath, I can't do that. How have you managed it?
we happened to not have that particular conflict, but you can use a
macro processor to get you what you want (of course, you've correctly
ID'd that you need multiple authz files).
*** file uiaccess.groups.m4 ***
ui_developers = dev1,dev2,dev3
*** EOF ***
*** file uiaccess.ui.m4 ***
@ui_developers = rw
*** EOF ***
*** file uiaccess.test.m4 ***
*** EOF ***
And then:
% m4 uiaccess.test.m4 > uiaccess.test
% m4 uiaccess.ui.m4 > uiaccess.ui
With a little more work, you can get it all into one file,
but I'm not an m4 expert...
It's not as nice as it would be if authz supported ParentPath,
but it's not terrible either.
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Received on Fri Jan 23 18:00:50 2004