Hang on import, update
From: Craig L. Ching <cching_at_mqsoftware.com>
Date: 2004-01-15 21:20:46 CET
Ok, I've been working on this a little bit today, but I keep getting interrupted with real-world issues ;-)
Here is all the further I've gotten on my hang on import. I let the import go longer and I eventually get a client side error of:
svn: MKCOL of /svn/repos/!svn/wrk/96f0ed6c-6630-ee4c-a2e7-1b6531276f45/qpasa/lod
(Sorry for line wrap)
On the server side, I get this in my apache error logs:
[Thu Jan 15 14:00:29 2004] [notice] child pid 14908 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
I don't seem to have a core file anywhere. I want to stick gdb on it, but I'm not having any luck getting httpd started in a way that gdb follows the forked children. Can anyone help me with some suggestions on how to get further with this?
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