RE: Suggestion for FAQ
From: Craig L. Ching <>
Date: 2004-01-15 16:58:21 CET
> First, I'd like to say that Apache is a complicated piece of software
Since I can't use the RPMs on Fedora Core (I don't recall why atm), I now build from source. I used to build the Apache 1.3 series and found that to be a complicated mess. Not so with Apache 2. Apache2 builds so much more nicely from the source. If you just want an apache to serve up SVN (sort of a dedicated SVN server), follow the extremely simple instructions in the INSTALL file. Once you have everything built, getting a repo up and running again is a very trivial task.
Anyway, just a different perspective. Frankly, it doesn't take a "nerd" to get an apache up and running to serve a subversion repository. Just my $0.02 worth.
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