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Re: Error writing to the repository after cvs2svn.py

From: Buddy Burden <buddy_at_barefoot.net>
Date: 2004-01-13 20:19:31 CET


> Appreciate the efforts,

Well, I hope to be soon appreciating _your_ efforts, if you can shed some
light on this. :-)

Okay, in my attempt to shrink it down somewhat, I have learned the following

1) It has nothing to do with the total size of the source. In my first
attempt to prune, it ceased failing after reducing the size from 852M to
808M, but then when working with a different tree it failed at 542M.

2) It has nothing to do with the depth of the directory tree.

3) It has nothing to do with the length of file names or total path names.

4) It *does* have to do with total number of files. However, there are some
oddities here: changing the directory structure, or once even the top
directory *name*, can influence the exact number of files which cause it to
crap out. Happily, given a static directory tree, it does seem consistently

Perhaps that's enough right there to trigger an "aha!", but JIC ...

> Best thing is to post it at a URL somewhere, then post the URL.

Grab this:


This includes the following things:

A) A cvs/ directory containing the CVS sources to be converted by the
rebuild script. (This is the actual code I'm using, as it happens to be
mine personally.)

B) A repos.tmpl/ directory containing the skeletal layout of the repository.

C) A website/ directory which would normally contain the source I'm trying to
import. It now contains a single directory with a script called
make_tests.pl. Modify and rerun this script to control exactly how many test
files you start off with (in hindsight, perhaps I should have made it take an
argument; sorry). On my system, it craps out at exactly 158 files, but you
may need to adjust.

D) A build.svn/ directory containing the rebuild script. In order to test,
edit this file and look for CHANGE; modify those things to fit your system.
I tried to comment this script as much as possible. It's a ksh script, but
I'm sure you could hack it into a bash or sh script if you need to.

Hope this helps demonstrate the problem sufficiently! Let me know if I can
provide any further info, and thanx a bunch for taking the time to look at

                -- Buddy

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Received on Tue Jan 13 20:56:41 2004

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