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Re: Will DAV look like just a normal http request?

From: Kunio Miyamoto <wakatono_at_todo.gr.jp>
Date: 2003-12-13 18:29:01 CET


> I looked around and can't seem to find a clear answer to this question.
> The DAV protocol, how does it look to a firewall? More specifically, I
> will be trying to get remote access to a svn repo on the net but from
> behind a firewall which I have no control over. (and the admin will not
> corporate for any reason ). But http requests are open. So to make a
> short story long , will a request over the net to a svn repo using DAV
> look like just a normal http request?

 If you focus read access to svn repo, you cannot determine whether
HTTP access or svn repos access.

 You cannot determine GET semantics whether request to normal HTTP server
or SVN server because GET semantics of normal HTTP (1.1 method)
is same as that of WebDAV.

 But write access like checking in to svn repo, specific methods is sent
to svn server, and if you restrict such an access, you can set firewall or proxy
not to pass request of these methods ( i.e. CHECKOUT, PUT, MERGE,etc...)

Kunio Miyamoto
E-mail: wakatono@todo.gr.jp
WebDAV Resources JP:  http://webdav.todo.gr.jp/
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Received on Sat Dec 13 18:29:51 2003

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