Lev Serebryakov wrote:
>BCS> I hope you're not running 'svn move wcpath1 wcpath2'. Because it's
>BCS> *not* a move. It's a copy of the whole tree (schedule add), and
>BCS> schedule-delete of the old tree.
>BCS> Just run 'svn move URL1 URL2'. It's near instantaneous, and an O(1)
>BCS> operation.
> Hmmm... But why?! Is it `known bug' or `real feature'? If I want to
> copy & delete, I could call svn copy & svn delete. And If I want to
> _move_, I call svn move.
> Why different ways to point SAME objects (some files via wcpath or
> same files via URL) lead to different operations? Is here any good
> reason to have this difference?
They're not the same operation, though. Moving a working copy involves
copying the files from the server to your working copy, then adding
them, then submitting them back to the server, which is way more
expensive than doing everything on the server. Maybe Subversion should
issue a warning if it thinks you're trying to perform an operation on
the working copy which really ought to be run on the server.
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Received on Thu Nov 27 17:35:06 2003