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svn copy practices.

From: Joseph Vigneau <joev_at_alum.wpi.edu>
Date: 2003-11-20 19:54:22 CET

Hey there-

I'm using Subversion for a couple of toy projects I have right now.
These are Java web applications, so I require the Servlet API for my
builds. I would like to use the servlet.jar file in each project, but I
don't want to clog my repository with multiple copies of the file.

Given the hierarchy:


I would like to

   svn copy packages/servlet.jar proj1/lib/servlet.jar
   svn copy packages/servlet.jar proj2/lib/servlet.jar

Would this create multiple copies of that servlet.jar file?

If not, what happens if I modify packages/servlet.jar? Would
proj1/lib/servlet.jar and proj2/lib/servlet.jar still point to a single
instance of the original servlet.jar file (sort of like a Unix "hard link")?

I know many people advocate keeping binaries and libraries out of their
source control system, but it would be really nice if I can walk up to
any machine with just Java and Ant, and "svn co $REPOS . && ant"...

I'd be interested to hear any other recommendations, too.


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Received on Thu Nov 20 20:11:19 2003

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