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Svn dependencies in Fink (Was: Re: Ann: Subversion 0.33.1 released)

From: Christian Schaffner <chris01_at_users.sourceforge.net>
Date: 2003-11-20 09:37:30 CET

Hi Jon, b.bum and Garret

Thanks for the feedback on the fink svn packages. Let me try to answer
you. I am providing these packages as a convenience for the fink users.
You are not forced to use them. Take them as a template, rewrite them
or whatever you want to do with them.

The problem with packages is that they need to accommodate most users.
It would be to much work for me to provide special packages for every
special need. Also already now there are quite a few variants which can
confuse users.

Now let me try to explain you why there are all these dependencies: A
lot of them are not directly needed by svn, but by other packages
needed. Others are only needed during build time. E.g. python or
texinfo are only needed during package creation. So, why do _you_ need
to bother to install all that?

One of Finks goals is to provide binary packages. But the policy is to
only provide binaries of packages in the stable tree. Subversion is not
yet in the stable tree of Fink, since it didn't hit 1.0 yet. So, what
you are doing right now is beta testing a beta package for an alpha
software. To get to the point: We need _you_ to provide us with
feedback on building the package so that we can move it to the stable
tree soon after svn hits 1.0.

After the svn package will be moved to the stable tree in Fink you
won't need to install e.g. apache2 just to get a client. All you will
need to do will be 'apt-get intall svn-client-ssl' and in a matter of
seconds you will have a working svn client installed. But as it is
right now, you still need to compile apache2 just to get the client.

I hope i made things a little bit clearer for you.

Now, let me answer some specific points you mentioned:

On Mittwoch, November 19, 2003, at 08:40 Uhr, Jon Stevens wrote:
> I'm on 10.3 which already has most of those deps installed as default
> and fink (or the svn fink build) doesn't seem to want to recognize
> that.

I am not sure what you mean here. But this seems like a fink problem,
not a svn package problem. Could you ask this questions with some more
details on the fink-users@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list?

> On top of it, a lot of the stuff is just for developers working on
> subversion (texinfo?) or specific installation requirements
> (openldap?) and I don't need or want the ssl support either.

For texinfo, see above. But there is a non-ssl varian. Just do 'fink
install svn-client' and you will not need openldap. Also make sure that
you read the documentation in 'fink describe svn-client' or 'fink
describe svn'

> Anyway, I have a post coming up that shows how to build a more minimal
> installation on OSX.

As i said, if you want to build a binary yourself, take the info file
as a starter and modify it to your needs. Or do it all by yourself.

On Mittwoch, November 19, 2003, at 08:36 Uhr, Garrett Rooney wrote:
> If I had to guess, I'd say that about 1/3 of those are from swig.
> Perhaps there should be a separate package for the Subversion
> libraries that depend on swig, so people don't need to pull in half
> the scripting languages in the world if they just want a subversion
> client.

This guess is correct. I might think of building a non swig variant.
But i don't have enough time right now. If anybody wants to help me,
that would be great.

If you have more comments or positive/negative feedback i would love to
hear from you.


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Received on Thu Nov 20 09:38:27 2003

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