Not that this is any of my business, I actually agree with #2, but #3
sounds too protectionist. You're assuming too much. Lev might actually
be doing a good job promoting Subversion in his own way, and the
principal difference with cvs2svn[.py] that I see is that the .pl
provides more controls for users. They may choose to use it.
I can understand your disappointment though because of the confusion
created by this script.
B. W. Fitzpatrick wrote:
> 3. is the result of hundreds of man-hours and a helluva lot
> of careful testing of a helluva lot of tricky edge cases, gargantuan
> repositories, and busted RCS files. Why should I trust my
> *historical*data* to a script that has no visible test suite?
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Received on Fri Nov 14 05:35:11 2003