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Multiple remote repositories?

From: Mike Ladwig <mladwig_at_comcast.net>
Date: 2003-11-09 15:56:23 CET


I use cvs on several projects, and one of them needs to migrate to a different
usage scenario and I am looking into other scm tools (arch and subversion)
to see which fits my needs best.

I would much prefer to use subversion because it has so little learning curve
relative to CVS. However, my project is splitting into three parts. The
first part is at the top where the core technology will be maintained. Then
there are two subprojects each needing to maintain their own trees and
periodically push changes up and pull changes down from the core tree.

I've seen little hints that subversion does this (svn-push and svn::mirror)
but have seen very little discussion of people actually using these
extensions(?). Arch seems optimized for this scenario but has lots of
annoying differences and peculiarities that make me less than eager to use

Can anyone offer experiences, or pointers to documentation/discussion about
this style of using subversion that I've missed?


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Received on Mon Nov 10 20:41:50 2003

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