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Re: repos corruption revisited: memory leak?

From: Jan Hendrik <jan.hendrik_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: 2003-10-27 11:40:54 CET

Concerning Re: repos corruption revisited: mem
John Peacock wrote on 23 Oct 2003, 11:01, at least in part:

> He is running on dangerously low physical RAM machines. Windows (as a
> rule) does not gracefully handle low memory situations. The swap on
> Windows is not employed in quite the same fashion as the swap on *nix
> boxen (meaning that frequently more swap is slower than less).
> Between the Berkeley DLL's and Apache itself, I suspect he has
> virtually no free RAM available. If he configured Apache to start
> fewer child processes, he might be in better shape.
> I think he is simply swapping himself to death and triggering edge
> conditions in Berkeley because of it.

This might give the clue why the repos corruption is much more
likely on the P4 machine than on my old P200 notebook: the P4
has 1 GB pagefile, the notebook 460MB only. On the notebook
more virtual memory gave me the overall impression of slower
operation, 460MB seemed to be a good value though. In the setting
dialog Win2K recommends 216MB only, however, else it is said to
set 2.5 times of RAM and others suggest taking 4GB if available.
Of course the P4 shall become the server - if I ever get into
production again! ;-) T

Jan Hendrik

Freedom quote:

     The explorers of the modern era are the enterpreneurs;
     men with vision; with the courage to take risks,
     and faith enough to brave the unknown.
                -- Ronald Reagan

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Received on Mon Oct 27 11:38:17 2003

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