What if you just check in a file which generates the initial file(s) you
want. For example, check in "generate-settings.py" When this program is
run, it creates a file called "my_settings.txt," which is ignored by
svn. Then, make your build process check for the existence of
"my_settings.txt" and if it doesn't find it, runs "generate-settings.py"
I think this solves all of your problems. The developers don't have to do
anything initially, and subversion ignores the settings file like you want.
Paul Gross
At 06:11 PM 10/23/2003, Jack Repenning wrote:
>At 6:07 PM -0400 10/23/03, mquezada@nlxcorp.com wrote:
>>I'm currently porting our razor source format to a subversion repository
>>and have the following issue:
>>The repository includes everything that a developer needs to begin work on
>>the code so that when the developer executes
>>the checkout command all files are there.
>>This then causes problems with the repository because when
>>a developer runs the "svn update" command s/he's
>>told that the files are in conflict, etc. Is there a way to have subversion
>>NOT keep track of file versions on specified files in the
>You want the files to be managed by SVN initially, "so that when the
>developer executes the checkout command all files are there," but then
>later, at update, you want them *not* there?
>Jack Repenning
>CollabNet, Inc.
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