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Newbie - subversion standalone server on linux webserver

From: Steffen Schramm <steffenschramm_at_gmx.de>
Date: 2003-10-04 20:19:36 CEST


Perhaps it sounds a bit stupid for linux experts.. but let me explain:

I managed to install a Subversion server on my local Win2k system, but I
have almost no idea what to do to install it on linux. I have access to a
subdomain of a linux root server from 1&1 webhosting (Suse 8.1). The one
who has root access to the whole site doesn't know much more about linux,
and nothing about versioning systems. I can access my subdomain with FTP
and SSH, and even eggdrop bots and cron jobs can run there, so I can do a
bit more than just upload html files. But is it enough for an subversion
server? It's an older version of apache (1.3 I think), so this won't work.
Remains svnserve as standalone server. I didn't manage to compile the
source there - complained about the old version of Apache, and installing
the Suse RPM was not possible as I don't have root access. Let's say, I
would get root access for a short time, or the one with root access would
install it. Is it possible? And how complicated would it be?

You probably can answer the question, if you know if

1. It should be possible to install and run subversion with svnserve on a
linux root webserver
2. svnserve can run from a user account with limited rights -> running with

In the case it is possible, can you give me some example commands and hints
how do it? Basically SVN-SUSE-RPM-installing-for-linux-newbies.

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Received on Sat Oct 4 20:23:08 2003

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