Lübbe Onken <L.Onken@rac.de> writes:
> Hi Folks,
> two things are confusing me:
> 1) I upgraded my Sources to rev 6707, as this is the revision mentioned in
> the release mail. The compiled version however still says it's subversion
> 0.26?!? I even ran a 'make clean'. Who's wrong here?
To truly be building 0.27, you should have 'svn switched' your sources
to "http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/tags/0.27.0". You'd get the
"0.27.0 (dev)" in your version, then.
> 2) I cannot compile with ssl on win32. I run "gen-make.py
> --with-openssl=..\openssl --with-zlib=..\zlib -t vcproj"
> openssl is the gnu openssl-0.9.7b-lib.zip from sourceforge extracted into
> ..\openssl. It hopefully contains all I need to compile svn
It's not enough to extract openssl -- you have to compile it. See
INSTALL.W32 in that tree for how to do this (WARNING: it requires
Perl). I did this for the first time myself last night. Make sure
you build Neon clean, too.
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Received on Tue Aug 19 14:33:51 2003