> But it's easy:
> 1. Backdate your subversion to sometime before the schema changed.
> You could also just grab the 0.27 tarball and build it,
> --disable-shared.
> 2. Rename the old repos: 'mv repos old-repos'
> 3. Using the old(er) code, run 'svnadmin dump old-repos > dumpfile'.
> 4. Using the new code, run 'svnadmin create repos', then 'svnadmin
> load repos < dumpfile'.
> 5. Move any hook scripts or whatever from the old repos to the new
> one.
We should really have a FAQ about this. If there is existing
documentation in the Book, or elsewhere, on how to do a dump/load,
then the FAQ can just point to it. Otherwise, the FAQ can document it
So, before I write a new FAQ item, anyone have a pointer to a
Canonical Description Of The Dump/Load Process? :-)
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Received on Mon Aug 18 17:26:42 2003