That got me past that problem.
The next problem I have is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cvs2svn/", line 2263, in ?
File "cvs2svn/", line 2259, in main
convert(ctx, start_pass=start_pass)
File "cvs2svn/", line 2138, in convert
File "cvs2svn/", line 1966, in pass1
os.path.walk(ctx.cvsroot, visit_file, (cd, p, stats))
File "/usr/lib/python2.1/", line 277, in walk
walk(name, func, arg)
File "/usr/lib/python2.1/", line 277, in walk
walk(name, func, arg)
File "/usr/lib/python2.1/", line 277, in walk
walk(name, func, arg)
File "/usr/lib/python2.1/", line 269, in walk
func(arg, top, names)
File "cvs2svn/", line 348, in visit_file
p.parse(open(pathname, 'rb'), cd)
File "cvs2svn/rcsparse/", line 231, in parse
File "cvs2svn/rcsparse/", line 202, in parse_rcs_admin
(tag_name, tag_rev) = string.split(tag, ':')
ValueError: unpack list of wrong size
Any hints?
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:23:45AM -0500, wrote:
> Clark Rawlins <> writes:
> > $cvs2svn/ -s eureka --create --trunk=trunk --branches=branches
> > --tags=tags cvs_repository/
> >
> > Error while parsing 'cvs_repository/ANT/src/fe_redwood/make.txt,v':
> > branch 1.1.1 already has name 'ANT_COMPONENTS',
> > cannot also have name 'avendor'.
> >
> > Is this a bug or is it a problem with my misunderstanding of how this is
> > supposed to work?
> This is a problem in the RCS file make.txt,v. If you look at the
> symbolic names header, you will see that branch 1.1.1 has two
> different names. Try removing one of them.
> If anyone has reason to believe this is a legitimate CVS construct,
> please say something. It seems to be quite rare, and I don't see how
> it could have been achieved via CVS, which as far as I remember
> doesn't permit a branch to be given more than one name. (Tagged
> revisions are a different story, of course.)
> -Karl
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"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the
second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become
the legalized version of the first."
-- Thomas Jefferson
- application/pgp-signature attachment: stored
Received on Fri Aug 1 20:09:50 2003