On my linux box (RH8.0) the same goes for the -p option to the mkdir
-p, --parents
no error if existing; create parents if needed
> Garrett Rooney wrote:
> > Jim Cromie wrote:
> >
> >
> >> ok duh, THX,
> >> added a mkdir, which brings up a feature request:
> >> "svn mkdir $foo" should act like mkdirhier, then the following would
> >> work...
> >> should I make an ISSUE of it ?
> >
> >
> > Umh, no. It's exactly the same issue as before. Copy does not create
> > directories for you. If you want to put it in tags/echobox/whatever,
> > then the tags and echobox directories need to already exist. This is
> > not a bug, it's just the way the software works.
> >
> > -garrett
> >
> to correct myself, and clarify the request.
> I said: svn mkdir file:////home/jimc/big/svn-repo/tags -m 'create
> tags-rep'
> I meant: svn mkdir file:////home/jimc/big/svn-repo/tags/echobox -m
> 'create tags-rep'
> I tried the latter, and it failed, for the reasons you stated.
> I then fixed my script, but copy pasted from the wrong log
> But - it could work like mkdirhier, without complications (at least by
> this beginners reckoning)
> mkdirhier - makes a directory hierarchy
> mkdirhier directory ...
> The mkdirhier command creates the specified directories. Unlike
> mkdir
> if any of the parent directories of the specified directory
> do not
> exist, it creates them as well.
> Thanks.
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