Bug: Externals property editor moves operative revision into peg revision
From: Tobias Rapp <t.rapp_at_noa-archive.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 09:41:22 +0200
How to reproduce:
1. Create a folder with an svn:externals property definition using the
"-r 100 ^/SomeFolder/SomeFile.dat SomeFile.dat"
2. Open the default svn:externals property editor and press "Edit..." on
[ ] HEAD revision Peg: HEAD
3. Press the "Show log" button and select some other revision (lets
The selected revision number is automatically assigned to the "Peg"
[ ] HEAD revision Peg: 101
5. When looking at the svn:externals property using the advanced
"^/SomeFolder/SomeFile.dat_at_101 SomeFile.dat"
The expected property value would have been:
"-r 101 ^/SomeFolder/SomeFile.dat SomeFile.dat"
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