Log History (Recent messages) filter doesn't correctly handle uppercase search terms
From: Chris Watson <chriswatson_at_advantage-finance.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2017 04:03:46 -0700 (PDT)
I have noticed that the Log History dialog (from the Commit dialog, click the Recent messages button) doesn’t appear to correctly handle uppercase search terms entered in the filter text box.
For example, if the dialog is opened and contains two entries in the list (with the filter text box empty):
* Added feature X.
Then, if “added” is entered into the filter text box, both entries would be displayed, as expected.
However, if “Added” is entered into the filter text box, neither entry is displayed, where both would be expected.
It appears that as soon as any uppercase characters are entered into the filter textbox, no entries are displayed.
I am using version 1.9.5.
I have attached a couple of screenshots demonstrating this behaviour.
I have also attached a patch for HistoryDlg.cpp which I think might resolve the issue, though I haven't been able to test it myself.
-- Chris Watson ------------------------------------------------------ http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4061&dsMessageId=3241299 To unsubscribe from this discussion, e-mail: [users-unsubscribe_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org]. Received on 2017-06-02 13:04:24 CEST |
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