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AW: Re: Offer re-prompt to change user authn after failed commit?

From: Philipp Mott <Philipp.Mott_at_giffits.de>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2017 16:30:33 +0000

I can imagine logical / concept conflicts between TSVN and the underlying SVN. The auth cache is handled by SVN; TSVN just uses the SVN "API" (it's not a real API, but anyway, TSVN interfaces SVN). Rewriting SVN functionality could break with integration of the next SVN update.

There might be a solution using Autohotkey, but once you committed yourself to the dark side of hacking with AHK there hardly is a way back...

I never experimented with all the hooking features - Is there a way to call a hook upon unsuccessful authentication?

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Karl Fogel [mailto:kfogel_at_red-bean.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 6. Februar 2017 16:43
An: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org; Stefan Küng
Betreff: RE: Re: Offer re-prompt to change user authn after failed commit?

(Replying to Stefan here, but thanks also to Philipp Mott for his reply, which said basically the same thing.)

On 2017-02-03, Stefan Küng wrote:
> Sorry, there's not re-prompt feature implemented.
> Subversion only asks for authentication (username/password) if
> necessary. Since auth data is already stored locally, it uses that
> data to authenticate. But the authentication succeeds! So it doesn't
> ask the user for authentication anymore.
> The problem is that the authorization later fails, which comes much
> later than the authentication.

Thank you. Yes, I understand the problem. But TortoiseSVN could still re-prompt, using this recipe:

  1) Perform default authentication

  2) Attempt the authz-requiring operation (e.g., commit)

  3) If (2) fails, look at the exact error, and...

  4) ...if it's an authz error, prompt again for new authn
     credentials and continue as if from (1).

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