Overlay Icon war starts - Dropbox steels overlays
From: André Ziegler <MagicAndre1981_at_live.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 02:42:14 -0800 (PST)
In the latest Dropbox Update, the developers add 3 spaces in front of their overlays to make sure their ones get shown.
What are your plans to react to it? React and add 4 spaces? Or use 3 spaces and use the number in front like 1TortoiseNormal to get it before Dropbox?
Also, in 2017 we should kill the Overlays for Locked and Readonly, I never need/use them and always kill them (and the dropbox5 - 10 icons) in registry to make sure I fit in the 15 overlay limit.
For me the important ones are shown in the picture.
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