- rename the folders to contain only "safe" characters (like english letters and numerals)
- user another svn client (I bet two beers the command line tool from subversion.apache.org handles this case)
Or wait until this bug is fixed in TSVN.
David Balažic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcin Kowalski
> Sent: 24. May 2016 10:31
> To: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
> Subject: Inconsistent behavior with urls that contain escaped strings
> Importance: Low
> I have a svn repository that contains directory names with +3%2e0
> When i open https://svn-
> current.company.com/svn/auto_checkins/server28/location+3%2e0/ in a
> browser, that gets escaped to +3%252e0 in the url (when viewing it via
> apache), but remains with +3%2e0 on checkout with whatever svn client.
> The problem is as follows:
> - checkout with tortoisesvn
> - view log for entire server28 directory
> - no problem
> - view log for location+3%2e0 directory
> - errors happen with invalid url, where the %2e gets unescaped to "."
> - open repo browser for entire server28 directory
> - works
> - view log for location+3%2e0
> - works
> - from there on, viewing the log for problematic directory works, but
> extracting files from specific revision still gives me a 404.
> Faulty log entry
> - - [24/May/2016:09:56:04 +0200] "PROPFIND
> /svn/auto_checkins/!svn/rvr/255/server28/location+3.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 595 "-
> " "SVN/1.9.4 (x64-microsoft-windows) serf/1.3.8 TortoiseSVN-"
> Valid log entry
> - - [24/May/2016:09:56:04 +0200] "REPORT
> /svn/auto_checkins/server28/location+3%252e0 HTTP/1.1" 200 625 "-"
> "SVN/1.9.4 (x64-microsoft-windows) serf/1.3.8 TortoiseSVN-"
> If anyone has seen some kind of behavior like this, i'd gladly accept any hints
> related to possible workarounds.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4061&dsMess
> ageId=3173287
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Received on 2016-05-24 11:26:47 CEST