Testcase for vendorbranch with Tortoise SVN Preparation: 1. create a directory "testcase" on local filesystem 2. create a subdirectory "testcase/Repo" for the Testrepository 3. create a subdirectory "testcase/WC" for working Copy of Testrepository 4. create a Repository in Subfolder "testcase/Repo" (including default-Folder-structure) 5. Check out the default-Repo-structure from repository in Checkout directory "testcase/WC". 6. Create a Subdirectory "testcase/WC/branches/vendorlib/blabla" 7. unzip "Version1.zip" in Directory "testcase". Archive contains directory "version1/source" and file "version1/readme.txt". 8. copy Version1 content (directory "source" and file "readme.txt") from Directory "testcase/version1" to "testcase/WC/branches/vendorlib/blabla" 9. Add unversioned files from WC to svn and do a SVN CheckIn to repo. Test: (got an update of vendorlib "blabla") 10. unzip "Version2.zip" in directory "Testcase". This is the updated vendorlib "blabla" containing directory "version2/source" and "version2/readme.txt". 11. Mark content of Version2 (directory "source" and file "readme.txt") from directory "testcase/version2" 12. and "drag-right" to "testcase/WC/branches/vendorlib/blabla" with "SNV vendorbranch here" -> Answer "yes" to drop vendor branch into working copy "blabla" Result: what I obtain: adanke empty directory "testcase/WC/branch/vendorlib/blabla". What I expect updated file "readme.txt" in drectory "testcase/WC/branches/vendorlib/blabla/": in subdirectories "testcase/WC/branches/vendorlib/blabla/source": - updated filecontent "file_will_change.txt" - untouched files "file_still_here.txt" - deleted directory with content "codeVS_totallyOld_will_be_removed_in_next_version" - delefted files "file_will_delete.txt" - moved (or deleted and added) file "file_will_renamed_to_renamed.txt" to "file_renamed.txt" - added directory "codeVS2010" with created content.