2015-08-11 15:29 GMT+02:00 Andreas Tscharner <sternenfeuer_at_gmail.com>:
> On 11.08.2015 14:49, Markus Humm wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > this package actually fixes the issue. But shouldn't TSVN be
> > independant of it (means the real fix for me would be a Change in
> > TortoiseSVN)?
> Andreas Tscharner <sternenfeuer_at_gmail.com>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Intruder on level one. All Aliens please proceed to level one."
> -- Call in "Alien: Resurrection"
That .sig scores an extra bonus point :)
If a newly installed application breaks other, previously installed
applications, it's the new one which should be fixed.
So the fix is to download and install the VS2015 runtime? Is this the only
possible solution? Why is this runtime necessary? It sounds like this
runtime is not installed with TortoiseSVN? Is it possible that the TSVN
installer messes up registry entries which get fixed by installing the
VS2015 runtime?
For Innosetup there's a nice dependency installer which can check if some
runtimes are already installed on the target system and it can download and
install them if necessary. I don't know if something similar exists for wix.
Please help me get more space on Dropbox :)
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Received on 2015-08-11 17:22:32 CEST