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TortoiseSVN -> Add option

From: Cihad <cihadpalta68_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 01:07:15 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I will start with the steps I have done, at our office my colleagues were using CVS. The CVS server was managed by an ex-colleague of ours whom has left our company. The CVS server was hosted on a linux server.
We decided to step over to SVN, and host it on a Windows machine. The SVN server is up and running well, it works and does what it needs to do.
Next to that, after installing TortoiseSVN on my own computer and for my colleague, we found a strange thing.
The scenario is like this:

1.I made an empty folder on our Windows machine.
2.I checked out project ‘test’ to that folder, the project has been imported successfully.
3. When I make a new text file in the imported project folder for a test, and right-click it -> TortoiseSVN -> Add ~ On my computer this works fine, I can Add the file and after committing it the file will be commited successfully.
4. When I do step 3 on my colleagues computer, and right-click the text file -> TortoiseSVN -> The only options showing are: Repo-browser, Settings, Help, About. No add option.

The computers are running the same OS, same TortoiseSVN version(latest).
I found that I can add the new made text file when I commit the folder where the text file is in, but my colleague prefers also having the Add option when right-clicking a file.
I have tried reinstalling TortoiseSVN, browsed through the Options and played around bit still haven’t found the solution to get the Add option.
I would really appreciate it if you could help me finding the solution for this, I am really at a loss..
Thanks in advance for putting your effort for helping me.


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Received on 2015-07-09 10:14:47 CEST

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