RE: Tortoise SVN Context Menu not appearing Windows 8 64 bit
From: Claire Hook <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 11:51:45 -0000
Hi Simon
I did attach the error message but that didn't upload. It was that I was
Yes the top foler and I created the .svn-base file by copying another
I am expecting to see Update and Commit menu options from the Context Menu
Another post recommended to check the rights on the SVN file in Regedit and
Go to registry editor using regedit.
I have attached screen shots of the folder options when I right hand mouse
Another weird issue is that the SVN Checkout menu option appears on the top
Thanks for your help
-----Original Message-----
On 24 March 2015 at 11:26, Claire Hook <> wrote:
What was the error message? What are "these files"?
> Then I got an error that said I had a mismatch on one file.
What was the error message?
> So I deleted the folder and re-created it. The error went away, but
What folder? Top level of your working copy or a sub-folder? How did you
> So I uninstalled it (several times) and re-installed it. I now have
No context menu at all or just not the entries you were expecting?
> I checked the regedit file as suggested on another forum and this was ok.
I have no idea what you mean by 'the regedit file'.
> Any ideas?
Not without a crystal ball. You are going to have to provide a lot mopre
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