On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Bernd Bartmann <bernd.bartmann_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to see the COMPLETE project history in a graphical way, i.e. at
> which revision a branch has occured, when has it been merged back, when has
> a tag occured, etc.
> This would be good to explain someone else how subversion works and to show
> how a project has emerged from the beginning.
> "Show Log" only shows the project history in a "flat" way.
> Best regards,
> Bernd
If you could somehow see the revision graph of the repository root,
you would still only see the project history in a "flat" way. You
won't see any branches of the root directory, because there ARE no
branches of the root directory. Any branches of trunk will show up as
a copy operation inside one of the "flat" revisions.
Merge operations are NEVER shown graphically, unfortunately, no matter
where you start the revision graph from. That has been asked for
multiple times and shot down as "too slow".
From what you describe as wanting, you don't actually want a revision
graph on the root. You just want it on trunk.
Showing a revision graph of trunk will show you everything you ask
for. It shows graphically at what points any branch/copy happened. You
can see the history of each branch or copy alongside the trunk
revisions. Tags are shown as a small box on the revision that was
tagged, or you can choose to show them just like branches are shown.
Note this works for items with shared history. If your project has
multiple trunks, or branches that don't actually share history with
trunk, those will not be shown.
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Received on 2014-08-05 18:04:49 CEST