On 22 July 2014 15:24, Vincze Péter <vinczepetertamas_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> COPY TO BRANCH fromTRUNK merging back to TRUNK without error message: Folder
> already exits!
> I Simply wanted copy TRUNK into a BRANCH, but. I did not know the branch
> already exists, as I simply failed with the branch name, mixed with an
> earlier branch name,
> but anyway, earlier the client worked me in this situation: Was dropping a
> popup with the message: Folder already exits!, and did not do anything
> The problem is, that no error message had showing up, just simply made
> something, and the log showing that I merged the BRANCH back to TRUNK.
> Please let me know if it is a bug or not!
You have now sent exactly the same report 3 times, and a follow up
demanding a response, all with 24 hours. This is not a software
company with permanent employees and you did not pay for the software.
You cannot demand instant support!
As for the bug report it is very confusing because it talks about what
you wanted to do, what may have gone wrong, what an earlier version
may have done, all in one sentence. You need to state clearly the
steps you took so we can try to reproduce this. Don't say "I simply
want to copy trunk to a branch" because there are many ways of doing
that. You need to tell us exactly what steps you used, e.g. "I used
the Branch/Tag dialog with these settings ..." or "I used the repo
browser ..." or "I used the right mouse drag ..."
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Received on 2014-07-22 16:43:34 CEST