On 7 July 2014 07:34, Lübbe Onken <luebbe.tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi John,
> 2014-07-04 15:28 GMT+02:00 John Huebner <johnhuebner_at_site-seeker.com>:
>> I've tried the remote path both with and without /trunk, I get the same
>> error. The only thing that works on the local path is trunk/name-of-repo
>> I can update my local copy of the repo and the external. The error happens
>> when I attempt to commit the update that includes the external.
>> There are only 2 choices for the URL as far as I know 1)
>> https://github.com/user/repo-name 2) https://github.com/user/repo-name/trunk
> I never tried GIT externals in SVN, so I don't know if they are supposed to
> work and I'm afraid I can't help you any further. If I understand it
> correctly, Git wraps everything up so that it is SVN compatible.
> Since the error happens, when you try to commit, the next thing that comes
> to mind is:
> * Do you have write access to the git repository?
> * Does this GIT->SVN Wrapper allow write access at all or is it always
> read-only?
I don't think git has externals as such. This is using github's
git-svn bridge to allow accessing a git repo via a subversion client.
It's a useful feature and it does allow full read/write access, but
the two systems are fundamentally different and I suspect that
svn:externals is an unsupported feature. I'm not even sure that
subversion properties are supported at all - I'm pretty sure
svn:ignore doesn't work either.
Really you need to ask on the github mailing lists to see what
features their bridge layer does and doesn't support.
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Received on 2014-07-07 10:37:50 CEST