On 5 May 2014 21:40, Jack Cane <jwcane_at_enwphotos.com> wrote:
> Several folders at the same level now belong to my SVN collection. I would like to include the parent folder, in addition to selected others at and below the current folder level. When I tried to "create repository" at level of parent, "Subversion reported an error while creating a repository! Make sure the folder is empty and not write protected".
> Would be grateful if one of you could point me to instructions for doing this.
Hi Jack,
This is the second post where you seem to be inventing terminology
instead of using the names everyone is familiar with. Here you talk
about an SVN collection and last time it was about 'registering' a
repository on several machines. In that second instance I suspect you
also meant a working copy rather than a repository, and there is all
the difference in the world between the two. Please help us to help
you by finding out a little more about subversion first. The
subversion book at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ is an excellent
reference, with the early chapters explaining how SVN works. There is
also our own manual which gives a similar intro.
For this question I'm not really certain what you are trying to
achieve, whether you have multiple repositories or multiple working
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Received on 2014-05-05 22:50:34 CEST