A small bit of background to begin with, I hope it's relevant. Recently my
hosting company migrated me from an old server to a newer one and I was
unable to check out, commit to, or otherwise interact with my existing
repositories using TortoiseSVN. I went round in circles with the tech
suport there for a while, and ultimately a partial solution was found by
using the command line and setting an environment variable as such:
set SVN_SSH=plink -l <username> -pw <password>
Or by including the following line in the svn config file:
ssh = plink -l <username> -pw <password>
Subsequently I have set up a key pair to take care of the authentication
and have the details stored in putty and the command line still works when
executing something like 'svn co
svn+ssh://<username>@<host>/path/to/repository' and a line in the config
file of just 'ssh = plink'.
However, I still cannot get the TortoiseSVN UI to check out (or do anything
else with) a repository. I've followed the suggestion to use plink rather
than tortoiseplink in Settings->Network->SSH client for debugging purposes,
and I see the console pop up, but with no output and the process fails with
the error message 'Unable to connect to a repository at URL'. I've tried
passing various parameters pertaining to the username, password, and key
files there too, but nothing seems to work. I've even tried downloading
the 64 bit versions of putty/plink (which still work with the command
line), but have not had success. Additionally, if I change the svn config
file to contain 'ssh = tortoiseplink' the command line no longer works,
issuing the Unable to connect to a repository at URL error.
I'm working on a Windows 7 machine, plink and putty are 0.62 (0.63 for the
64 bit version) and the TortoiseSVN version info is as follows:
TortoiseSVN 1.8.5, Build 25224 - 64 Bit , 2014/02/18 20:05:11
Subversion 1.8.8, -release
apr 1.5.0
apr-util 1.5.3
serf 1.3.4
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
zlib 1.2.8
tortoiseplink claims to be 'Undefined build, Feb 18 2014 20:47:42'
If anyone can offer any advice on how to get the TortoiseSVN UI to interact
with the repositories correctly I would greatly appreciate it.
Regards and Thanks,
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Received on 2014-03-16 11:43:47 CET