FW: Tree conflict
From: <kloertscher_at_ups.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:30:57 -0500
Can someone help? This folder is useless as it is. Do I need to uninstall Subversion and then reinstall it?
-----Original Message-----
The *exact steps* to get a Tree Conflict. Remember that this folder is messed up on my working copy so I need to get it replaced, but with the same name as before.
I delete my local copy of the Assemblies folder from my working copy . I go to the repo browser and right-click on Assemblies and select Checkout. I go to my woking copy and create a new folder Assemblies. In the Checkout window I change the Checkout directory to point to the new folder I just created. I click on OK. It restores almost all of the files from the repo browser and I get a message Checkout Failed! Tree confilct C:\SVN\net_sysdev\WebSites\Assemblies
I double click on the Tree conflict to open the Edit Tree Conflict window.
I look at the objects restored and notice one object is missing in my working copy. This is an object that I had created and had done SNV add, but had not committed before my working copy was deleted, but another developer had added and committed the same object, so it exists in the repo browser, but will not check out to my working copy. When I manually add the object to my working copy it immediately shows up as SVN add, ready to commit. If I try to Commit the object I get this:
If I try to do a commit on the Assemblies folder, it shows the Assemblies folder with a status of replaced
-----Original Message-----
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 5:07 PM, <kloertscher_at_ups.com> wrote:
A "tree conflict" should only ever happen during a merge.
You are never doing a merge on a fresh checkout.
So what *exact steps* do you follow to get this "tree conflict" in a fresh checkout? What message do you get to tell you that you have a "tree conflict"? What exact menu item are you choosing from your repo browser to do a "checkout"?
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