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Re: TSVN 1.8.x prefers svn:global-ignores

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:39:43 +0200

On 15.10.2013 16:04, BIRD Neil wrote:
> It seems as if TSVN 1.8.x is preferring to set svn:global-ignores on directories instead of svn:ignore.
> If I have two files in a directory to ignore, select them in an explorer window, I can choose to ignore them by name, and they end up in svn:ignore. They then also trigger the “remove from ignore list” option.
> However, if I try to do it from “check for modifications” or the commit dialogue, which is the most common way I find files that need ignoring, they *always* get added to a local svn:global-ignores. I don't choose a recursive option but they would then still be ignored recursively, and also they then don't get the “remove from ignore list” option. On top of that, we still have mostly SVN 1.7 users at the moment and so the ignore won't work anyway.
> Is this intended behaviour? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to work around it?
> Since svn:global-ignores is part of the new server-side config set-up, I wouldn't really expect it to be changed on a per-file bases like the use cases above (like you wouldn't change auto-props very often), so I'm at a bit of a loss to understand why it's going for it. I can only see that it would be preferred over actually recursively setting svn:ignore when that was required, but TBH I don't see that being a very common occurance. That may be just the way I use it.


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Received on 2013-10-15 19:39:54 CEST

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