RE: Possible TortoiseMerge bug
From: Tobias Kaes <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:52:33 -0700 (PDT)
> On 24.09.2013 14:29, Tobias Kaes wrote:
That's alright, I didn't expect it to understand the file content, I'm expecting it to do a line-by-line comparison minimizing the number of edit operations. I've been using TMerge for years and this diff totally caught me off guard (never seen this behaviour before) and in terms of a diff it makes not much sense to me.
I've annotated the screenshot and attached it again to show which lines I mean. Note that the marked orange+white lines did not change at all so I don't see why they can't be white+white in the first place (that's what I would have expected).
I'm reading the colors as remove/insert operations, so orange blocks on the left side have been removed, yellow blocks on the right side have been inserted, gray is padding to keep lines aligned. So orange+yellow means to me "line has been replaced" and orange+gray "line has been deleted" - so what is orange+white supposed to tell me?
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